Project actions

No_Waste project aims to evaluate, demonstrate and disseminate the sustainable use of ash (from forest biomass residues combustion) combined with organic waste materials (sludge and/or compost) to regenerate degraded soils from mining areas in compliance with the EU “Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection”.

It comprises a highly multidisciplinary approach integrating information on chemical, physical and biological indicators, bioavailability and risk assessment, life cycle thinking tools, cost-effectiveness analysis, statistical analysis and modelling. The project structure includes the following actions, which further description is given below:

Fotos da instalação e monitorização do Pilot Project (Action B.1) em S. Domingos:

Figure 1: Implementation of the Pilot Project: images of the construction of the Pilot Project test plots (March 2018); of works performed during the filling of test plots with the mining soils and during the mixing and application of the soil improvers (in May 2018); of plots irrigation; of spontaneous germination and growth of plants; and, of sampling campaigns and of the visits of the team to the Pilot Project site

E. Project management and monitoring of the project progress


A1. Preliminary characterization of ash, organic materials and mining soils

DURATION: 01-01-2016 to 30-06-2016


This Action provided a full characterization of materials with potential for use as soil additives, including bottom and fly ash from residual forest biomass combustion, secondary sludge and organic compost materials. Degraded soils in mining areas were also characterized during the course of this action. Analyses performed included pH, moisture content, loss-on-ignition, particle size distribution, bulk density, major and minor chemical elements, dilute salts, mineralogical analysis (X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy), water soluble chemical elements and organic contaminants (e.g. PAHs and PCDDs/Fs), among others. As a result, specific types of ash and organic materials were selected and tested as soil additives in Action A2.


A2. Preparation of soil additives and mesocosm experiments to test their effect on mining soils

DURATION: 01-04-2016 to 31-12-2016


In this Action, materials selected in Action A1 (ashes and organic materials) were tested as soil additives. Methods for preparation, pre-treatment and mixing of materials were developed and optimized. Mesocosm tests (pot and column experiments) were performed to optimize application rates, necessary to achieve the following targets: to correct soil pH, to increase soil nutrient pools, to reduce availability of potentially toxic elements, to avoid salt stress for plants; to comply with the criteria from the ‘Sewage sludge Directive’ (86/278/EEC) and relevant Portuguese legislation Decree-Laws No. 276/2009 (sludge application to agriculture), No. 73/2011 (waste management) and No. 103/2015 (fertilizing materials). The effects of the soil additives on soil properties were quantified.


B1. Pilot Project - Pilot scale application of soil additives at three mining sites

DURATION: 01-01-2017 to 31-03-2021


Additives prepared in Action A2 were tested in a pilot project. The first pilot project (“Pilot I”) was implemented at Mina de S. Domingos in May 2018.  Twelve pilot-scale plots (10 x 10 m) were constructed for in situapplication of soil additives. These test plots servedas experimental systems to determine the effectiveness of various treatments to stimulate the recovery of soil functions and to develop future application schemes of biomass ash and organic materials. Soil, water and plant samples were collected periodically (at least once a month) and were analyzed for demonstrating and monitoring of the efficiency of the soil additives in recovering of soil functions. 

A second pilot project (“Pilot II”) was implemented at Mina de S. Domingos in November 2020.  

At the end of Pilot I, the project team considered that the “technology readiness level” for the production of the new soil improvers was of “TRL 6 – system prototype demonstrated in operational environment”. However, the team considered that it would be possible to bring this to a level of “TRL 8 – system complete and qualified” or “TRL 9 – actual system proven in operational environment” with the implementation of a second filed trial (Pilot II).  This second field trial started in November 2020, and it included the application of the soil improvers that presented the most positive and suitable scientific and technical results in the Pilot I (ash granules) at a larger scale in Mina de S. Domingos (1250 m2). It was coordinated by the associated beneficiary EDM, in the scope of the rehabilitation plan of Mina de São Domingos (“Recuperação Ambiental da Área Mineira de São Domingos - Fase 2”), to allow the actual solution to be demonstrated in an operational environment and, thus, reinforcing the demonstration character and replication potential of the project.

This Action allowed to optimize operational conditions and detect potential constrains, thus providing technical guidelines for further application of the soil additives to other degraded areas.


B2. Decision support system for the management of biomass combustion ashes and for EU-wide scale

DURATION: 01-07-2016 to 31-03-2021


This Action focused on the evaluation of current legal limits across the EU in view of the re-utilization of ashes from biomass combustion as soil additives and development of improved limits based on new scientific risk assessment protocols. It allowed to develop a new product (soil improver) and the respective technical plan for its production and application in the recovery of degraded mining soils, as well as analyze its cost-effectiveness, economic, social and environmental viability. A decision support tool and an improved technical risk assessment protocol were produced for identification, monitoring and mitigation of potential risks associated with the recycling of ash and organic waste materials. In particular, this Action allowed to demonstrate that: biomass ashes have applications and meet technical requirements; there is a value-chain and a market for them; and a comprehensive risk assessment protocol ensures compliance with environmental, safety and public health standards.


C1. Technical support – monitoring of soil properties and plant cover during the Pilot Project

DURATION: 01-01-2017 to 31-12-2019


This Action provided technical support to Action B1 regarding the monitoring of soil properties during the pilot project and the analysis of plant samples.

The main activities of Action C1 were:

   - Review of methodologies for representative soil sampling

   - Review of key soil properties to be determined at the in-situ test plots and review of available methodologies to determine such soil 

   - Review of methodologies for plant analysis

   - Preparation of experimental and of quality assessment/ quality control protocols protocols

   - Collection and analysis of soil, plant and leachate samples.

This was performed by reviewing of methodologies for representative soil sampling, key soil properties and plant analyses. While some parameters were already selected in the scope of Actions A1 and A2, additional parameters were also considered. Protocols for collection and analysis of soil, soil solution, plant and leachate samples, as well as for quality assessment and quality control were prepared and applied.


C2. Technical support – field and laboratory testing of availability of contaminants to sensitive receptors and ecotoxicological risk assessment

DURATION: 01-07-2016 to 31-12-2019


This Action provided technical support to Action B1 regarding the assessment of bioavailability of contaminants from ashes, organic materials and soils, as well as evaluation of soil biochemical and ecotoxicological parameters. Along with the quantification of bioavailable potentially toxic elements, the effect of the soil additives on microbial communities was assessed through enzymatic activity tests. Bioassays using both soil and leachate samples will be performed to characterize the ecotoxicological potential of the soil additives. Both terrestrial (germination and plant growth, mortality avoidance and reproduction of Eisenia andreii) and aquatic tests (luminescence inhibition of Vibrio fisheri and immobilization of Daphnia magna) were taken into account.


C3. Technical support – monitoring of the impact of soil additives on soil functions

DURATION: 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2019


This Action will provide technical support to Action B2 regarding the analysis of the impact of addition of soil additives on soil properties, soil functions, surface/groundwater quality, soil-plant transfer of potentially toxic elements and plant growth. In particular, the following soil functions will be assessed: biomass production, including in agriculture and forestry; storing, filtering and transforming nutrients, substances and water; biodiversity pool; physical environment for humans and human activities; carbon pool. Three working groups will be formed within the team members to assess, respectively, (i) the beneficial effects of and (ii) risks associated with the soil additives, and (iii) statistical analysis and geochemical modelling.


C3. Technical support – monitoring of the impact of soil additives on soil functions

DURATION: 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2019


This Action provided technical support to Action B2 regarding the analysis of the impact of addition of soil additives on soil properties, soil functions, surface/groundwater quality, soil-plant transfer of potentially toxic elements and plant growth.

The main objectives of Action C3 were:

To compile and analyse data produced in Actions A1, A2, B1, C1 and C2 regarding the impact of addition of soil additives on soil properties, soil functions, surface/ groundwater quality, soil-plant transfer of potentially toxic elements and plant growth.

 In particular, the following soil functions were assessed: biomass production, including in agriculture and forestry; storing, filtering and transforming nutrients, substances and water; biodiversity pool; physical environment for humans and human activities; carbon pool. Three working groups were formed within the team members to assess, respectively, (i) the beneficial effects of and (ii) risks associated with the soil additives, and (iii) statistical analysis and geochemical modelling.


C4. Monitoring of the socio-economic and environmental impact of project actions

DURATION: 01-07-2016 to 30-06-2020


Along with the monitoring of the progress and results of all project actions, this Action assessed the effects of them on the local economy and population. It used a multicriteria methodology to ensure cost-efficient replicability or transferability of the actions and results. This supported the After-LIFE planning of measures to manage wastes of pulp and paper industry and energy production facilities. Positive impacts related to the increase of social awareness and acceptance of the benefits of protecting the environment were evaluated.


D1. Analysis of public awareness on the benefits and constraints of the application of industrial by-products in the recovery of degraded soils

DURATION: 01-07-2017 to 31-03-2021


This Action assessed public perception of risks associated with both degraded soils at mining areas and application of ash from biomass combustion and organic materials in the recovery of degraded soils. It will also assist the development of the decision support system in the scope of Action B2. 

Action D1 included the preparation of a questionnaire for a survey on public perception of:

   a) risks associated with degraded soils at mining areas;

   b) risks associated with the application of ash from biomass combustion and organic materials in the recovery of degraded soils.

The Questionnaire-based study was conducted in a community in the surroundings of a mine located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt and also sent to several stakeholders, in Alentejo, Portugal, where the soil was until recently widely contaminated. Following the development of surveys, the decision support system considered the stakeholders’ opinions to optimize management of ashes from biomass combustion in an environmental safe, agronomical adequate and economical sustainable way.


D2. Communication and dissemination of project results to public and relevant stakeholders and networking with other LIFE and non-LIFE projects

DURATION: 01-01-2016 to 31-03-2021


This Action interacted with all other actions for dissemination of results obtained in the course of each of them. It included dissemination of information and awareness raising activities regarding the project to the general public and stakeholders. Technical dissemination initiatives was also performed for transferring the results and lessons learnt to those stakeholders that could usefully benefit from the project's experience and implement themselves the actions demonstrated. This Action also included networking with other LIFE and non-LIFE projects and international/ European stakeholders. Project website, newsletters, conferences, workshops, training courses, a Layman’s report and scientific publications were all prepared in the scope of this Action.


E1. Project management and monitoring of project progress

DURATION: 01-01-2016 to 31-03-2021


This Action consisted in detailing of the organizational and management structure of the project. It consisted of a Project Management Team (Project Manager, two Technical-policy Managers, a Financial-administrative Manager and a Steering Committee represented by all beneficiaries), twelve Action Leaders, a Project Advisory Board, project Participants and the Coordinating Beneficiary (University of Aveiro).  The Project Advisory Board ensured quality of the research work at the technical and stakeholder level, provides comments on the technical quality of the work executed, recommendedon publication and scientific dissemination, commented the applicability and transferability of Project deliverables, and identified complementarities with scientific and non-scientific work outside this Project, linking to these national and international programs.


E2. After-LIFE Plan

DURATION: 01-07-2019 to 31-03-2021


This Action produced a report containing prospects for future application of these soil additives including a description of areas where it can be applied and conditions that must be met for its application, an After-LIFE communication plan (a project brochure(the Layman report), a project video (see Video 3 on this website), website continuously updated and scientific publications) and After-LIFE research activities (continuous testing of soil additives by PhD and MSc students).