Check out our publications:
Layman Report
A Layman report was produced in paper and in electronic format and it is available at the website (in PT and EN). This will be used as project brochure for dissemination in the After-LIFE.
Scientific Papers
Clarisse Mourinha, Patrícia Palma, Carlos Alexandre, Nuno Cruz, Sónia Morais Rodrigues, Paula Alvarenga. Trace elements pollution of soils affected by mining activities in the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt and optional remediation actions: a review. Revision submitted to Environments.
Luís A. Mendes, Astrid Avellan, Nuno C. Cruz, Cátia Palito, Paul F.A.M. Römkens, Mónica J.B. Amorim, Luís A.C. Tarelho, Sónia M. Rodrigues. Biomass ash formulations as sustainable improvers for mining soil health recovery: linking soil properties and ecotoxicity. Revision submitted to Environmental Pollution.
Cruz N.C., Silva F.C., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S.M. (2019) Critical review of key variables affecting potential recycling applications of ash produced at large-scale biomass combustion plants. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 150, 104427.
Alvarenga P., Rodrigues D., Mourinha C., Palma P., de Varennes A., Cruz N., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S. (2019) Use of wastes from the pulp and paper industry for the remediation of soils degraded by mining activities: Chemical, biochemical and ecotoxicological effects. Science of the Total Environment, 686 1152-1163.
Silva F.C., Cruz N.C., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S.M. (2019) Use of biomass ash-based materials as soil fertilisers: Critical review of the existing regulatory framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 214 112-124.
Cruz, N.C., Silva, F.C., Kodra, A.S., Pereira, A.A.M., Gomes, A.P., Tarelho, L.A.C., Rodrigues, S.M. (2019) Biomass Ash-based Materials to be Used as Soil Improvers: from Laboratory to Field Experiments of LIFE No_Waste Project. Proceedings Of The 27th European Biomass Conference And Exhibition, 1481-1486.
Alvarenga, P., Ferreira, C., Mourinha, C., Palma, P., de Varennes, A. (2018) Chemical and ecotoxicological effects of the use of drinking-water treatment residuals for the remediation of soils degraded by mining activities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 161, 281-289.
Cruz N.C., Rodrigues S.M., Carvalho L., Duarte A.C., Pereira E., Romkens P.F.A.M., Tarelho L.A.C. (2017) Ashes from fluidized bed combustion of residual forest biomass: recycling to soil as a viable management option. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, (17), 14770-14781.
Other publications
Branco, P.C., Gaspar A., Pinto P.C.O.R., Cruz N.M.C., Silva F., Gomes A.P., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S.M., Palma P., Mourinha C., Catarino A., Gonçalves I., Quadros, C.S., Costa, L., Carvalho E., Diamantino C. (2021) Projeto LIFE No_Waste: uma demonstração de economia circular no contexto do sector da pasta e papel. Revista Tecnicelpa nº66.
Book chapters
Cruz, N.M.C.; Rodrigues, S.M. "Soil Contamination and Remediation". In Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, 1-13. Springer International Publishing, 2019. 10.1007/978-3-319-71065-5_68-1
Rodrigues, S.M. "Human Health Risks and Soil Pollution". 2018. 10.1016/B978-0-12-849873-6.00009-1
Fangueiro, D.; Kidd, P.; Alvarenga, P.; Beesley, L.; de Varennes, A., Strategies for Soil Protection and Remediation (Chapter 10), in: “Soil Pollution: From Monitoring to Remediation”, Edited by: Duarte, A.C., Cachada, A. and Rocha-Santos, T.A.P. pp. 251–281
Alvarenga, P.; Clemente, R.; Garbisu, C.; Becerril4, J.M. Indicators for monitoring mine site rehabilitation, in: “Bio-geotechnologies for mine site rehabilitation”, vol 1. Eds. Prasad, M.N.V., Favas, P.J.C. & Maiti, S.K., Elsevier, pp. 49-66.
Presentations in Scientific Conferences and Workshops
1) 30th June – 1st July 2021 – Mourinha C., Catarino A., Martins I., Alvarenga P., Palma P., Alexandre C., Cruz N., Silva F., Gomes A. P., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S.M. Poster communication at 2nd International Scientific Conference on Ecological on Ecological and Environmental Engineering, (, Wroclaw, Poland. ~200 participants
2) 17-18th June 2021 – Mourinha C., Catarino A., Martins I., Alvarenga P., Palma P., Cruz N., Silva F., Gomes, A.P., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S.M. Oral communication at Congresso Ibérico "Solo e Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Desafios e Soluções",(, Porto, Portugal. ~200 participants
3) 9th December 2020 – Mourinha, C., Catarino A., Martins I., Alvarenga P., Palma P., Alexandre C., Cruz N., Silva F., Gomes A. P., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S.M. Poster communication at V Encontro de Estudantes de Doutoramento em Ambiente e Agricultura (EEDAA), (, University of Évora, Évora. ~57 participants
4) 4th December 2020 – Mourinha, C. Oral communication at 7ª Jornada Interdisciplinar na Mina de São Domingos, (, Zoom meeting. ~25 participants
5) 15th October 2020 - Cruz, N. Oral communication at Meeting of Grupo de estudos em sistemas Wetlands (Brasil), Zoom meeting. ~25 participants
6) 18th December 2019 – Cruz, N. Oral communication at Workshop on Soil Research: CESAM- Celebrating the World Soil Day, Aveiro. ~50 participants
7) 4-6th September 2019 - Cruz N., Silva F., Godinho C., Gomes A., Romkens P.F.A.M., Tareho L.A.C., Rodrigues S. Oral communication at 5th International Conference of Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, (, Costa da Caparica. ~350 participants
8) 18-23rd August 2019 - Cruz N., Silva F., Kodra A., Pereira, A., Gomes A., Tareho L.A.C., Rodrigues S. Oral communication at Goldschmidt 2019, (, Barcelona. ~5000 participants
9) 27-30th May 2019 - Cruz N., Silva F., Kodra A., Pereira, A., Gomes A., Tareho L., Rodrigues S. Poster communication at 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Lisbon. ~2000 participants
10) 28-29th November 2018 – Nuno M.C. Cruz, Oral Pitch PhD Student Presentation at the Research Summit “Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions & Research” (, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. ~400 participants
11) 2-4th October 2018 – Nuno M.C. Cruz, Poster communication at 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (CHEMPOR 2018:, Aveiro, Portugal. ~200 participants
12) 11-13th July 2018 – Patrícia Palma, Poster Communication at CICTA 2018 - 11º Congreso Ibérico y 8º Iberoamericano de Contaminación y Toxicología Ambiental (, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. ~100 participants.
13) 20-22nd June 2018 – Paula Alvarenga, Oral Communication at the CICS 2018, VIII Congreso Ibérico de las Ciencias del Suelo (, Donostia, San Sébastian, Spain. ~100 participants
14) 13-17th May 2018 – Paula Alvarenga, Oral Communication at the SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 28th Annual Meeting (, Rome, Italy. ~400 participants.
15) 18-22nd March 2018 – Sónia M. Rodrigues, Oral Communication at the 255th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting, SESSION: Energy, Water & Food Production, Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (, New Orleans, USA. ~4000 participants
16) 26-29th November 2017 – Nuno M.C. Cruz, Oral communication at 18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC) ( Porto, Portugal. ~200 participants
17) 7-9th November 2017: Tarelho LAC. Oral Communication - Solid wastes from biomass combustion in fluidized bed: Some Portuguese experience. Workshop INOVTEC – 6º Seminário de Inovação e Tecnologia
(, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSul) Campus Sapucaia do Sul - RS, Brazil. ~25 participants
18) 3rd November 2017: Tarelho LAC. Oral Communication - Solid wastes from biomass combustion in fluidized bed: Some Portuguese experience. Invited presentation to MSc students of Environmental Engineering at Universidade de Santa Cruz (UNISC), Santa Cruz do Sul - RS, Brazil. ~50 participants
19) 17th October 2017: Tarelho LAC. Oral Communication - Solid wastes from biomass combustion in fluidized bed: Some Portuguese experience. Workshop VARSIN – Valorization of industrial solid wastes (, Universidade do Vale do Rio Sinos (UNISINOS), São Leopoldo - RS, Brasil. ~25 participants
20) 16-18th July 2017 - Nuno M.C. Cruz, Poster communication at the XXV Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 16 - 19 July, Lisbon ~200 participants
21) 15-17th Mar 2017: Panel (poster) and pitch (oral) presentation of the LIFE No_Waste project in the Innovation and Knowledge Space in the Green Business Week ( ~250 participants
22) 5th Sept 2016: Oral Communication - 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems – SDEWES (4-9 Sept Lisbon, Portugal).~300 participants (
23) 9th May 2016: Oral Communication - presentation of the Project at the workshop “Contribuições do CESAM para o uso inteligente do solo” (UA, Aveiro, Portugal. ~100 participants (
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