

Other dissemination events:

2020: Project dissemination by CESAM, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), in  “CESAM celebrates the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought highlighting the project LIFE No_Waste” ( with ample dissemination on social media.


Ecology Day 2020/ Dia da Ecologia 2020: 
An online quiz was made available to the following Target audience: “Alunos do 3º ciclo e do ensino secundário; público geral”, in the period of 12-16 September 2020, in the scope of the “Ecology Day 2020”. The event was organised by SPECO, Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia, in association with the European Ecological Federation. It had 1054 participants.     


A copy of the quiz can be found at:
More information is available at: 


TECHDAYS 2019 (Portugal) 10-12 October 2019

(link to event)


WASTES 5th International Conference: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (Portugal) 4-6 September 2019

(link to event)


•    Oral Communication:

Cruz N., Silva F., Godinho C., Gomes A., Romkens P.F.A.M., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S. (2019) Geochemical modelling approach for the leaching of major and trace elements from biomass ash and organic waste amended mining soils: LIFE No_Waste project field demonstration. 5th International Conference of Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 4 - 6 September, Costa da Caparica.


Goldschmidt 2019

•    Oral Communication:

Cruz N., Silva F., Kodra A., Pereira, A., Gomes A., Tarelho L.A.C., Rodrigues S. (2019) Long-term recovery of mining soils functioning using waste materials from the pulp and paper industry. Goldschmidt 2019, 18 - 23 August, Barcelona, Spain.

Encontro CIÊNCIA’19 (Portugal) 8-10 July 2019

(link to event)


EUBCE 2019, 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition -  27-30 May 2019 

(link to event)


•    Poster Presentation (EUBCE 2019):

Cruz N., Silva F., Kodra A., Pereira, A., Gomes A., Tarelho L., Rodrigues S. (2019) Biomass ash-based materials to be used as soil improvers: from laboratory to field experiments of LIFE No_Waste Project. 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 27 - 30 May, Lisbon.


•  Video Presentation (EUBCE 2019):

The video of LIFE No_Waste was presented upon the direct invitation of ADENE - Agência para a Energia; these were institutional presentations of selected projects considered most relevant in the sector of Biomass in Portugal




Presentations in Technological Events (Jan 2018 – Oct 2019)

1)    November 2018: 3th European Nutrient R&D event at ECOMONDO 2018 Green Technology Expo, 8 – 9 November 2018, Rimini, Italy: Invited Flash Presentation of the LIFE No_Waste Project (Management of Biomass Ash and Organic Waste in the Recovery of Degraded Soils: A Pilot Project Set in Portugal) and participation in round table sessions organised by European Sustainable Phosphorous Platform (ESPP) in the scope 3th European Nutrient R&D event ( (Figure 1b)

2)    October 2018: TECHDAYS 2018: Building our Future, 11-13 October 2018, Aveiro, Portugal: Presentation of the LIFE No_Waste Project, including the public presentation of the LIFE No_Waste VIDEO 2. ( (Figure 1c)

3)    Encontro CIÊNCIA’19 (Lisbon, Portugal), 8-10 July 2019: the “LIFE No_Waste Video 2 and other Dissemination Materials” ( (approx. 1000 participants)

4)    TECHDAYS 2019 (Aveiro, Portugal), 7-13 October 2019: the “LIFE No_Waste Video 2 and other Dissemination Materials” 

5)    5th International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 4-6 September, 2019 (Lisboa, Portugal): Presentation of the LIFE No_Waste Project through a Poster and an oral communication 

6)    27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, EUBCE 2019 -  27-30/05, Lisboa (the Video 2 of LIFE No_Waste was presented upon the direct invitation of ADENE - Agência para a Energia; these were institutional presentations of selected projects considered most relevant in the sector of Biomass in Portugal).

Organisation of Scientific Workshops (Jan 2018 – Dec 2018)

•    27th Feb 2018: Organization of a half-day LIFE No_Waste Scientific Workshop “Sustainable Agriculture and the re-thinking of Fertilisers’ Regulation in a context of Circular Economy”, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal with invited presentations by project international consultants and presence of 63 registered participants (please see workshop leaflet at Annex I). 

Download workshop leaflet




Figure 2: Photos of: a) presentations at the 27th Feb 2018 Scientific Workshop; b) participation at 3th European Nutrient R&D event at ECOMONDO 2018 Green Technology Expo; c) participation at TECHDAYS 2018.


Technical Training Courses

  •    6th October to 16th November 2017: Mission to Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil: 20 hours Extension Course at UNISINOS - Universidade do vale do Rio Sinos, on the subject “Biomass and Bioenergy: Thermochemical conversion of biomass to energy and ash management” (25 participants)
  • 9-10 October 2018 – Presentation of LIFE No_Waste project by Paula Alvarenga at the Summer Course on “New Trends in restoration of degraded soils III: trace elements, organic pollutants, and constructed wetlands”, Donostia, San Sebastian ( (~50 participants)

Sessions at Schools and Science Centres

•    Lab-i-Duca program (Academic year 2017/2018) and “3 dias com Ciência”, developed by Lab-i-duca (December 2018): the project dissemination and its promotion accounted for four activities involving, in a general context, the main subject of soil recovery.
Schools involved:

- Oliveira do Hospital: 1º Ciclo de Lagares, Escola do Largo da Feira, Escolas de Vale do Ferreiro, Penalva, Alvoco, Bobadela, Cordinha, Lajeosa, Lagares, Meruge, Seixo, Seixas, São Paio de Gramaços, Centro escolar de Oliveira do Hospital, Escola de Lourosa, Centro escolar de Nogueira do Cravo, Escola de Travanca de Lagos, Escola Secundária de Oliveira do Hospital, Fundation Aurélio Amaro Diniz, Casa da Obra Eugénia Garcia Monteiro de Brito and EPTOLIVA.

- Tábua: Escolas de Tábua, Mouronho, Candosa, Covas, Sinde, Ázere, Midões, Póvoa de Midões and Espariz.


Figure 3: Dissemination activities of LIFE NO_WASTE project within the “3 dias com Ciência” at BLC3. 

Podcasts, Interviews, queries, press releases

•    22nd Jul 2016: Interview of Project Manager by ECORYS (Ms. Begoña Solórzano Garcia) for participation in the Mid Term Evaluation of the LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action.

•    31st Mar 2017: Radio interview of project team members (Sónia Rodrigues and Luís Tarelho) on public radio station RTP Antena 1 (in Portuguese) (

•    September 2020: Podcast/ interview, duration 51:00, in the program “Ciência com Impacto” about “Poluição dos Solos”, where the LIFE No_Waste was presented

•    October 2020: Video, duration 02:28, about “Poluição dos Solos”, where the LIFE No_Waste was presented


Dissemination sessions and networking events

•    18th May 2018 – Sónia Rodrigues, Oral Communication at the Sessão Regional de Divulgação e Informação sobre o Programa para o Ambiente e a Ação Climática (LIFE) e do Workshop de Capacitação – 2018 (Projeto de Capacitação Nacional - LIFE14 CAP/PT/000004), Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, ~30 participants


•    April - May 2018 LIFE networking: contact with APA - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, responsible for Project INTER LIFE PT 2016 (LIFE14 CAP/PT/000004) - for exchange of experiences on project management and monitoring.


•    23-31st March 2018 – Networking and consultancy meetings with Professor Gregory V. Lowry and his team at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (18 participants). Prof. Lowry is Sr. Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering), co-supervises Nuno Cruz (PhD student) who is developing his work in the scope of LIFE No_Waste project and provides consultancy for the implementation of the Pilot Project (Action B.1). 


•    6th October to 16th November 2017: Mission to Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil - The mission to the UNISINOS – Universidade do vale do Rio Sinos and UNISC – Universidade de Santa Cruz, at Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was related to the dissemination of the research activities and knowledge that was developed by the research team from University of Aveiro, and related to biomass to energy throughout thermochemical conversion processes and management of ashes and sewage sludge, namely from the pulp and paper industry. The purpose was to develop partnerships with researchers from those universities in in these fields of research. The work developed at UNISINOS also included the establishment of a research partnership in the field of thermochemical conversion of biomass to energy, management and valorization of ashes from biomass combustion and sewage sludge from waste water. Collaboration was established with the research group NucMat – Núcleo de Caracterização de Materiais, coordinated by professor Carlos Alberto M. Moraes, in straight collaboration with professor Regina Célia Espinosa Modolo.


•     20-27th October 2017: Meeting at Carnegie Mellon University (Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Pittsburgh PA) (networking including discussion on activities/ joint supervision of a LIFE No_Waste PhD student); 14 participants;

•    16-19th October 2017: Participation in a dissemination and networking meeting at University of Kentucky (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences – Agriculture Science Center) , KY, USA; 12 participants;

•    18-30th April 2017: Meeting at Carnegie Mellon University (Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Pittsburgh PA) (networking including discussion on activities/ joint supervision of a LIFE No_Waste PhD student), 16 participants;

•    7-15th February 2017: Participation in a dissemination and networking meeting at Wageningen University and Research and Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra), the Netherlands; 8 participants;

•    22nd Nov 2016: Project public dissemination session at CESAM/UA

•    12th Jul 2016: Participation at a round table at “Programas Horizonte 2020 e LIFE: Oportunidades e desafios na temática do ambiente, eficiência de recursos, mitigação e adaptação às alterações climáticas, natureza e biodiversidade” (12 July, Lisbon, Portugal) organized by GPPQ and APA ~50 participants; 

•    29th Jun 2016: Meeting with the pulp an energy production manager and technicians of the Setúbal Industrial Complex (Navigator Company). The Setúbal pulp mill is one of the largest in Europe, and can produce around 550 thousand tons of bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp each year. Representatives of UA, RAIZ and Navigator Company were present. This meeting allowed to present the project and its objectives, boost collaboration with industry representatives and gather additional information on residual biomass used as fuel at this industrial complex. 10 participants;

•    27-30th Jan 2016: Five project dissemination and networking sessions at Universidade del Este, Universidade del Turabo, Universidad Metropolitana (Puerto Rico) ~50 participants. These sessions promoted under- and graduate students exchange in 2017/8.


Other networking contacts

•    Professor Gregory V. Lowry, Walter J. Blenko, Sr. Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Deputy Director, Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA - He co-supervises a PhD student is developing his work in the scope of LIFE No_Waste project. Co-supervision of further graduate students is also envisaged

•    Juan F. Arratia, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, San Juan - Puerto Rico, - He will coordinate exchange of undergraduate students with UA who will develop studies on themes relates to LIFE No_Waste project.

•    LIFE networking: contact with Patricia Mora McGinity - Gestiona Global S.L., Badajoz, España,, responsible for project LIFE iCirBus-4Industries (LIFE14 ENV/ES/000688) - for discussion on common technical challenges.

•    LIFE networking: contact with APA - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, responsible for Project INTER LIFE PT 2016 (LIFE14 CAP/PT/000004) - for exchange of experiences on project management and monitoring.
•    Since April 2017: Partnership with the Portuguese Direcção-Geral das Actividades Económicas (DGAE), Ministry of Economy of Portugal, representing the Portuguese government in the group of experts of the European Commission “STRUBIAS TWG: Technical working group for the development of possible process and product criteria for sturvite, biochar and ash-based products for use in fertilisng products”, in the context of Circular Economy.

•    Ingelia


Establishment of international technological cooperation

•    Visits to industrial installations and establishment of contacts for further cooperation with the company Vida ( that performs the management and valorization of ashes from biomass combustion and sewage sludge from wastewater treatment from the pulp industry Celulose Riograndense - Guaíba / RS, Brazil.

Notice boards

A total of 10 notice boards were placed. Please examples next.



Dissemination session: 15-17 Mar 2017 | Venue: Congress Centre Lisbon

LIFE No_Waste project was selected for presenting at Innovation and Knowledge Space in the Green Business Week!
The project will be presented in two ways:

-Panel presentation throughout the event

-Pitch presentation at Water/Environment/Wastes session on 16th March, 5 PM


Dissemination session: 22nd November, 11:30 AM | Venue: CESAM meeting room, Building III, UA

Speaker – Sónia Morais Rodrigues (CESAM & DQ)
Programme – LIFE14 ENV/PT/000369
Dates – 1-1-2016 to 31-12-2019
Proponent Institution - Universidade de Aveiro
Project Keywords: Nutrient Recycling; Resource Efficiency; Circular Economy; End-of-Waste criteria
Scientific Areas for potential collaborations: Waste Management; Waste recycling; Soil Remediation; Soil functioning

Oral communication: 5th Sept 2016 | Venue: Lisbon

11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems – SDEWES (4-9 Sept Lisbon, Portugal) ~300 participants

Dissemination session: 12th Jul 2016 | Venue: Lisbon, Portugal

Participation at a round table at “Programas Horizonte 2020 e LIFE: Oportunidades e desafios na temática do ambiente, eficiência de recursos, mitigação e adaptação às alterações climáticas, natureza e biodiversidade” organized by GPPQ and APA ~50 participants

Oral communication: 10th May 2016 | Venue: University of Aveiro, Portugal

Presentation of the Project at the workshop “Contribuições do CESAM para o uso inteligente do solo” (10th May, UA, Aveiro, Portugal) ~100 participants

Dissemination session: 27-30th Jan 2016 | Venue: Universidade del Este, Universidade del Turabo, Universidad Metropolitana (Puerto Rico)

Five project dissemination and networking sessions at Universidade del Este, Universidade del Turabo, Universidad Metropolitana (Puerto Rico) ~50 participants.

Dissemination session:27-30th Jan 2016 | Venue: Universidade del Este, Universidade del Turabo, Universidad Metropolitana (Puerto Rico)