8th Jan 2020: Semestral Project meeting with representatives of all beneficiaries at Universidade de Aveiro
13-14th May 2019: Project meeting with representatives of all beneficiaries with the presence of the Project Officer and of the External Monitoring Expert (in Beja). Stakeholders’ meeting with representatives of local and Regional authorities (Câmara Municipal de Mértola and CCDR-Alentejo), of Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA), and of the “Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal”, followed by a visit to the Pilot Project installation (at Mina de S. Domingos, Mértola).
10th May 2019: Semestral Project meeting with representatives of all beneficiaries at Universidade de Aveiro
27th Jul 2018: Project meeting with representatives of Universidade de Aveiro and BLC3 to discuss details of the implementation of Action C.4 at Universidade de Aveiro
18th Jun 2018: Semestral Project meeting with representatives of all beneficiaries at IPBeja, Beja and visit of participants to the Pilot Project implementation site (at Mina de São Domingos, Mértola, Portugal)
12th Jun 2018: Visit of Ms. Filipa Ferrão, External Monitoring Team to the Pilot Project implementation site (at Mina de São Domingos, Mértola, Portugal) with representatives of UA
8th Jun 2018: Second monitoring mission (participants: Ms. Filipa Ferrão, External Monitoring Team and representatives of UA, RAIZ and NVG) at Universidade de Aveiro
27th Feb 2018: Semestral Project meeting with representatives of all beneficiaries and Project Consultants (Dr. Paul Römkens and Prof. Gregory Lowry) at Universidade de Aveiro
16th Nov 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA, RAIZ, EDM and The Navigator Company, at the industrial complex of Setúbal of the Navigator Company
21th Sep 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA, RAIZ and The Navigator Company at Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.
12th Jul 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA, IPBeja and EDM at EDM, Lisbon.
7th Jul 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA, RAIZ and Navigator Company at Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.
22nd Jun 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA, IPBeja and EDM at EDM, Lisbon.
30th Mar 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA and EDM at EDM, Lisbon.
30th Mar 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA and the Monitoring expert LIFE / NEEMO-IDOM, Lisbon.
17th January 2017: Project meeting with representatives of UA and BLC3, Oliveira do Hospital.
14th Dec 2016: Annual Project meeting with representatives of all beneficiaries at Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.
15th Jul 2016: Project meeting with representatives of UA and the Monitoring expert LIFE / NEEMO-IDOM, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.
29th Jun 2016: Meeting with the pulp an energy production manager and technicians of the Setúbal Industrial Complex of The Navigator Company. Representatives of UA, RAIZ and The Navigator Company were present. This meeting allowed to present the project and its objectives, boost collaboration with industry representatives and gather additional information on residual biomass used as fuel at this industrial complex, The Navigator Company, Setúbal.
9th Jun 2016: Project Kick-off meeting at Universidade de Aveiro with representatives of all project Beneficiaries, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.
4th Nov 2015 (before project start): Participation of project representatives at LIFE14 Kick-off meeting (ENV Resource Efficiency /Waste 2; Venue: EASME, Brussels)
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